Lavender Lemonade 8.17.2024
1.5 tablespoon of dried lavender
(you can add more or less, depending on your affection for lavender)
1 lemon
1 knob of ginger
1 tablespoon of honey (Laka Honey)
handful of fresh mint
water & ice
add honey & 1 cup of room temp water to a 64oz container
steep lavender and freshly cut ginger in a press, muslin bag, or side handle tea pot for 3-5 minutes, pour into container and mix with honey and water, add lemon juice
steep and pour several times depending on how strong you want it to be
add water as needed and refrigerate
fresh mint to top it off
In an effort to not buy so many pre-made drinks due to cost and waste, I started making herbal blends to keep in the fridge. I like having a plant ally with me at all times. After rubbing up against a lot of stress this summer I have really leaned into lavender. This lavender lemonade is refreshing and cooling. Lavender is a revered herb for stress, tension, pain, and anxiety. Ginger does wonderful things for the body - aids digestion, promotes detox, and strengthens the immune system. Lemon is alkalizing and I am a firm believer that there’s nothing mint doesn’t help.
Saffron Nectar 10.10.2024
Fresh ginger
Fresh turmeric
Lemon Juice
Select your steeping container
Cut up you ginger and turmeric
Squeeze fresh lemon juice on top and add saffron
Steep in boiling water for several minutes
Steep and pour as many times as you wish
One of my autumn intentions is getting back to my tea practice. I thew together this combination of ingredients the other night and I can’t get enough of it. The ginger is soothing my lungs. The turmeric helping with inflammation. The lemon brings the flavors to life and the saffron creates this silky texture that is so soothing. It is like drinking nectar. You can find fresh turmeric and ginger at your local health food store. Invest in some good saffron. I am using some that was a gift from Italy, but I have sourced it from Mountain Rose Herbs before.